"; $debug = ""; $link_par_page = 10; # Ne pas oublie les sites /links.php $zetarget = "_top"; # ou _top _blank } ?> :: C L U B S A N D W I C H . C O M :: */ } # Fin du while ?>
'Y' "; break; } if ($cid > 0) $filtre.= " AND cid = $cid "; $quoi_sql = "SELECT * FROM links_links WHERE 1 ". $filtre . " ORDER BY title "; $detail_result = mysql_query($quoi_sql); $nombre = mysql_num_rows($detail_result) ; if ($pa_position <= 0) $pa_position = 0; if (!$pa_position) $pa_position=0; else $ancienne_position=$pa_position; $total_result = $nombre; $bouton_prec = "\"\""; $bouton_suiv = "\"\""; $quoi_sql.= " LIMIT ".$pa_position .",". $link_par_page; $detail_result = mysql_query($quoi_sql); $parametres = "&cid=". $cid ; $parametres.= "&pays=". $pays; $parametres.= "&lettre=". $lettre; $parametres.= "&bestof=". $bestof; $parametres.= "&k=". $k; $parametres.= "&confirm=". $confirm ; if ($nombre > 0) { while ($detail_r = mysql_fetch_array($detail_result)) $pa_position++; $pa_position = $pa_position - 1 ; if (($pa_position+1)!=$link_par_page) { $links_on_this_page=$pa_position-$ancienne_position; $pa_position_prev=$pa_position-(($link_par_page+$links_on_this_page)); if ($pa_position_prev >= 0) { $bouton_prec = ""; $bouton_prec.= "\"previous"; $bouton_prec.= ""; } else $bouton_prec = "\"\""; }; if ($pa_position!=($total_result-1)) { $pa_position=$pa_position+1; $bouton_suiv = ""; $bouton_suiv.= "\"next"; $bouton_suiv.= ""; } else $bouton_suiv = "\"\""; mysql_data_seek($detail_result, 0); } if (mysql_num_rows($detail_result) != 0) { while ($detail_r = mysql_fetch_array($detail_result)) { $flag = "/search/flag_". sprintf("%02d.gif", $detail_r['pays']) ; ?>
    "; if ($detail_r['description'] != "") print $detail_r['description'] ."
"; print "Section : ". categorie_recup ($detail_r['cid'], 'title') ."
"; if ($detail_r['ville'] != "") print "Location : ". $detail_r['ville'] ."
"; ?>


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